I guess this is a small update of the recent happenings in my life! I just finished four years of working for IBLP and now Jesus has moved me back out to Colorado. While it is hard to let go of everything that I know and where it's comfortable, I know that when Jesus is calling, I must go and do the work that He has set before me. Even through the unknowns and uncertainty, I can rest in complete peace knowing that my God holds my life in His gentle hands and He withholds nothing from those who walk uprightly! I'm excited to see what God will do in this next season of life! #Embracingthechange
I loved living life with y'all! Each of you showed me a little more of Jesus that I hadn't seen before! You've been there to cheer me on when things were tough and you always rejoiced when I was overwhelmed with joy (seal claps) by what God was doing! I will always treasure this season of life that God gave me with y'all. Thanks for letting Jesus shine through you. . .Keep loving those whom God puts in your path, they're there for a reason!
Guess what!? I get to spend eternity with these daughters of the King!!! Even though goodbye's are hard, I'm super grateful to have journeyed a small part of this life with y'all! What a privilege to have rubbed shoulders with these sisters and friends!
Continue to allow Jesus to forge you into mighty women of faith, may He look down and smile upon His precious daughters that have pursued their King with all that is within them! Keep running on that endless frontier with Jesus and may each and every day you find Him to be faithful, who performs what He has promised to us.
Pal came up for the weekend before he moved to Alaska. We had a great time and of course, don't forget the party! Volleyball, Food, Fellowship and Great Memories! It doesn't get much better than that! As I say, every girl needs an older brother and God knew I needed Pal. I'm blessed to have this awesome, loving, strong, caring, hard-working, gentle, determined, and protective guy as my brother. I'm excited to see what God does in your life, as you continue your training with the Alaska State Troopers, may Jesus be glorified through your life.
What an awesome privilege to go seek Jesus with these girls! I was honored to be able to lead with Rebekah and Sophia, what mighty women of God to run alongside with!
Jesus always amazes me by the work that He does in each of our hearts, if we are willing, taking us one step closer to Himself. What a blessed peace that rests upon us when we surrender and say "yes" to the work that He is doing in our lives. May we never hesitate in allowing Him to conform us into His image and may we never stop short or be satisfied until we have reached the perfection of His dear Son.
Rebekah and Melissa took me out to eat one last time before I left! You two are such a blessing to me, thanks for everything! You guys are the best! :)
Our faithful Manor Care group! What a blessing to be able to go and sing for the old folks every week with these guys. I wouldn't trade these times for anything and I know that many of them were blessed by the sacrifices y'all made! Keep sharing Jesus with those around you!!
Our last department outing! Work is so much easier and fun with these guys! They never cease to keep us laughing and enjoying life! You guys are definitely in my thoughts and prayers!
My last trip downtown with these awesome people! I sure miss everyone at HQ, I'm super thankful for the time that God gave me up there, to get to know each one of you!
I'm gonna miss working with these people! I'm beyond blessed to be able to call my co-workers, friends! I love y'all and I'm excited to see what God will do through each of your lives as you continue to seek after Him with all of your heart!
Jesus has blessed me above and beyond my greatest desires! Each one of y'all, in your own way, have pushed me towards Jesus. I can't ever thank you enough for encouraging me and pushing me to do the hard things! Thanks!
I wouldn't trade the world for the time that I had with this girl over the past year! Whether we were laughing, crying, going through tough times, chatting, or having deep talks, I'm gonna miss cooking for you and playing volleyball with you but Tricia you've blessed my life and I'm gonna miss living it with you! There really are no words to describe what you mean to me. You continually encouraged me and brought my focus back to Jesus and there is no price for a friend who points me back to my Savoir. In this next season of your life, spend extra time to get know Jesus better! It's easy to fill the time up with whatever, but make it count for eternity! Love you girl!
"Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which YOU have done, And Your thoughts toward us; There is non to compare with You. If I would declare and speak of them, They would be too numerous to count." Psalm 40:5
Wow, the work that my God has done over the past four years, is literally indescribable. There are not enough words to even begin to express the miracles that He's performed in my life and in those around me. I've seen my God prove to be faithful to me, time and time again and He continues to reveal more of Himself to me. He deserves all the praise and glory for what He's done in and through each one of us, may we always turn back to praise Him, for His goodness to us! Over the past year Jesus has definitely depended my faith, trust and belief in Him! Faith is about believing, even when you can't see it! Jesus is trustworthy, never doubt in His goodness and unending love towards His children.
Hello there, I just wanted to let you know what a blessing it is to see you living all out for Jesus!! It is sadly getting rarer to find good Christian friends. I am also inspired to be a better Christian because of this last post. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteA sister in Christ, Sarah
blessed by your life, SJ ... miss you so muchly. <3