February 21, 2014

Share His Love With Others!

Pictures from Valentines Day! Molly and I had a blast making bags filled with cookies, candy and macaroons . . .trying to brighten everyone's day. Thanks for being my partner in crime, Molly. It was a lot of fun!
Pray for the team that is going down to do the Journey To The Heart, in the Florida prisons. We want to see the Lord work in miraculous ways and it starts on our knees. Pray that his love would be more evident than ever before!
Excited to see what he will do in the hearts and lives of all who are involved!!!

February 13, 2014

Overwhelmed By His Love!!!

Wow, God's love for you and me is so amazing!

"A relationship with God, is the best relationship"
"A relationship with God that doesn't change your life,
isn't a real relationship"
Delight yourself in His GREAT Love today!!!

February 6, 2014

Sunshine In My Soul!

Baking cookies and enjoying the snow! 

This past month has been amazing! Mom and Dad came up and visited me, it was great to spend the weekend with them!!! I moved houses in the first of January, so I've been unpacking, re-organizing, re-arranging, cleaning, etc. I have some awesome house mates, Becky, Jennifer, and Natasha! It's been a huge blessing spending time with them!
It has been absolutely freezing here since I got back! I've never been in such cold snowy weather but it's been great!!! We've been able to go ice skating, sledding, and we've had some great snow ball fights! 

It is summertime, in my heart,
It is summertime, in my heart,
Since Jesus saved me,
 New Life He gave me,
Ev'n in wintertime, 
it's summer in my heart!

I just want to thank the Lord for his unending faithfulness! I'm excited for this new year and for what all God is going to do! We've been listening to so many great messages in our staff meetings lately. I've been so moved and impacted to move toward Christ in a deeper and richer way. One message was by Doug Small and it was talking about three mountains. Mount Sinai was where God revealed His awesome power and placed the Fear of God in their hearts, Mount Calvary is where Christ shed His blood to pay for our sins, He showed unending love and amazing grace, and Mount Zion is where we should be heading. . .we can't keep camping at Mount Sinai or Mount Calvary, both are good and we need them, but we must press on to the Mount of God, to the celestial city of our Great King and God. Take every small moment of the day to stay in Mount Zion, set your heart upon eternity. Focus not on what you can see but spend your time doing the things that will matter when we finally reach our Heavenly home!!! I pray that you will be inspired to passionately pursue Jesus Christ with all of your heart!