"I have set the Lord continually before me;
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
Psalm 16:8
These past few months has been full of amazing adventures, with many ups and downs. I find myself constantly needing to fix my gaze upon Jesus, because so often in wonders to lesser things that get me distracted and cause me to be shaken. But He is our Rock and our Fortress and He will not allow us to be shaken. I have to keep asking myself, "are you keeping your gaze fixed upon the Lord?" Only He can give true and lasting joy! Only He can provide all that we need! Only He can be our full and complete satisfaction! Only in His loving-kindness and goodness towards us, does He cause our cup to be overflowing with His abundant blessings!
I'm just blessed to have a Shepherd who is always ready to protect me, when I call upon His name! A Father who cherishes me and desires a close relationship with me! And a friend who is always waiting for me to run to Him with my joys, hardships, praise, struggles and no matter what is happening, He is always ready to listen to my hearts desires! I've been pondering what an absolute privilege it is, to be a daughter of the King of kings! I've been realizing afresh, all that He's given to me! Yet so often I find myself not cherishing with praise and thanksgiving for all that He's given me! Let's be children who cherish our God, His word and the people that He's put in our lives! We're blessed to have another day to pursue Jesus and love others! Lets be intentional with each and every and use it to glorify our King!
Our God is Worthy of us completely turning our hearts back to praise His name! Even, when it's cloudy, confusing and hard to see what the next step will be. He is our Faithful Provider who cares and knows about even our smallest desires and concerns. So, turn and look into the face of the One who loves you and set your heart to seek Him! I find myself constantly running to Him again, because in my weakness, I find that He is SO strong. He is completely capable of completing the work that He has begun in us! No matter what comes against us, we can find a safe refuge in the arms of Jesus!
You ask me why I'm smiling,
You ask me why I'm free.
Why it seems I have no worries,
And I live a life of ease.
Well, believe me when I tell you,
I've seen the strong winds blow,
But when I need a shelter,
I have a place to go.
Who else is there to help me,
When I am in need?
Who else is there to strengthen
When I'm tired and weak?
Who else can give protection
Until the storm subsides?
There's no one else like Jesus
So, I will run and hide. . .
Again in His arms,
Again safe from harm.
I will run to Jesus again.
Again He's drawing near,
Again free from fear,
Like a child who knows
When danger's closing in
I will run to Jesus again.
This summer has been very busy but good as I traveled all over the country!
Here's just a small peek into all the adventures!
In June, Nate and I went out to visit Hans in Colorado. I had a blast with these two! They're absolutely my favorite!
We went canoeing for my birthday!! I love canoeing and especially when I get to do it with this amazing guy!!
Then I spent a few days with these two in Colorado!! So grateful for awesome friends that I got to grow up with! I miss hanging out with y'all but so thankful for the times when we get together!
In September we went camping with Nate's family and had a blast!! There's never enough time but so blessed with every moment that we're together!!
So grateful for the time that I was able to visit Pal in Alaska! Great chats, regular adventures, hiking, shooting, cooking, driving and much needed time with Jesus!
I love making memories with my favorite people!!
I'm so blessed by what Jesus has given me!

Nate, you're the most kind, compassionate, selfless, loving, sacrificial, Christ-centered man I know! It's a privilege to pursue Jesus with you! Your desire to know Him more and reflect who He is to those around you, blesses me in so many ways! You're amazing!!
“He Has done great things for us, wherefore we are glad.” Psalm 126:3
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