March 4, 2016

Wintertime Memories!

There are so many memories from Monday nights over the past four years. . . but these are definitely my favorite! What a joy and blessing it's been to be able to play and sing over at Manor Care for the old folks! I'm blessed to be able to serve alongside my faithful friends. I'm always encouraged as they allow the love of Jesus to flow through their lives to the people around them! :)

Our first ski trip for the winter! We had a grand ole time! :)

Pal came up to visit me! It's always great having him up here! :)

I've definitely missed playing volleyball! 
We also had a great time surprising Tricia for her birthday! 

Hangin' with the fam . . . is always a party!! Love these guys!

We had a great time skiing!!

"The Christian is one who has a reason to smile and this reason doesn't change. . .ever. The Christian possesses an indomitable joy, an impervious sense of gratitude, and an ever present buoying grace that supplies, not just an endurance through difficulties, but shouts of joy in the midst of the darkest of life's turns." -Eric Ludy

I've recently been reading through Wresting Prayer by Eric Ludy and have been inspired to rise up and engage in the battle that is taking place in the heavenlies. I came across this quote the other day and was really challenged by it!

"Don't pray that God would teach you how to love like He loves; pray that He would fill you with Himself and that He would love in and through you. Don't pray that He would teach you to have joy; pray that the living God full of joy would enter into you. Don't pray that He would teach you how to be peaceful; ask for the God of peace, the Prince of peace to infill you. Because if you try to imitate in your own strength, you will be miserable replica. But if you allow the impartation of Jesus Christ to overtake you, suddenly it all works because it is Him imitating Himself, and He is very good at being God." -Eric Ludy

1 comment:

  1. So awesome! Love seeing pics from the fun times and reading powerful truth that you're delving into.
    I miss you so much, Sarah!
