November 24, 2012

What Causes You to Stop Moving Forward?

"The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest and have nothing." Proverbs 20:4


Excuses are only a hindrance to yourself. . .because no matter what you walk away from you won't be reaping the benefits. Don't give into being comfortable, but step up and even when it gets tough look to the Lord and see what He wants you to accomplish in and through you.


You must be determined to stick with it even when things get hard or circumstances aren't ideal. Push through the hard times. . . You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
In our christian life excuses come when we look to Christians to full fill what God can give.
He is the only One that can make our cup full and overflowing. . .and therefore we can in turn help others run the race He has set before us.
Never let Satan get you down, He is ready to kill, steal, and destroy. Don't let him kill the passion Christ has given you, Don't let him steal the joy that comes from your daily fellowship with the Lord. And last but not least don't let him destroy your testimony for Christ or His precious name that you humbly represent. 
Always remember that this world is just our mission field and we are just passing through. Will you be like the sluggard and try to rationalize away why you can't do the work that the Master has laid before us to do. You don't want to come to the end and realize you have nothing. Invest in something that will matter for eternity!

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