I was blessed beyond measure to be able to attend another "
Journey To The Heart". . . which is a is where you are able to spend ten days alone, seeking the Lord with your whole heart; Along with 10 other young ladies who also desire to love the Lord!
I had a good relationship with the Lord, but I could tell there was something hindering me from understanding who God really was and what He was telling me to do, but after this Journey I am so much closer to Jesus Christ, as I was drawing close to my Savior, He was right there beside me!
Wow! and with an all powerful, indescribable God, it was absolutely amazing! Literally Indescribable!
Monday night the Lord really showed me that I had been living in my own mind and will, and had not been allowing the Holy Spirit to be in control of my life.
Tuesday we went through and started listing what the Gospel had done for us and the many different aspects of the gospel how it applies to our Christian life. It was incredible to see how the Gospel affects everything!
Wednesday the Lord really broke me as I surrendered to Him, all I could think about was, what all He had done for me and how little I had cared. He showed me how little I was in comparison to who He is and what He can do. There were several lies that the Lord showed me that I had been believing. . . (I'm not good enough, I'll never measure up, I'm a failure, etc). . . So, I was asking the Lord why I was believing these lies and really wanting victory in this area, and the next thing the Lord showed me really shocked me. He said, "You will never be good enough, you will never measure up, you have failed and will continue to fail, . . .I was thinking, that is not what I'm needing to hear Lord, right now I'm needing your truth and encouragement, and what I heard next I've heart before many times but it was like the Lord was removing the lies that had been in my heart and replaced them with His righteousness; So, He said, "because in your own righteousness you will never be good enough, you cannot measure up to My holiness and righteousness, and you will always fail in your own strength; but in My righteousness I am good enough, and I do measure up, and I will never fail. I was blown away, because I had been trying to live and impress people with my own righteousness, but all He is asking me to do is abide in his own righteousness. Because He has already paid the price for me to live in victory!
He also showed me that I had a couple things that I should talk to my Dad about if I wanted complete freedom. . .He had given me victory! Praise the Lord, but I needed complete freedom. . . which came by an open and surrendered heart before God and others.
He is so amazing and patient with us as we journey on this rode of faith, I was blessed above and beyond anything I could have ever dreamed of.
Praise His Name, because He is worthy to receive glory!!!
I didn't end up taking very many pictures, but here are a few from Saturday when we went to the Waterfalls.
Our awesome leaders!!! Abby and Lorena did a great job!
It has been an awesome journey and as it continues, I"m enjoying sitting at His feet and living in His presence!