Well I'm up at HQ again, but the visit home was good. My church family is so encouraging and always uplifting me to reach all that God has in store for me. I was able to help our church out with Vacation Bible Camp and sing a duet with Hannah on Sunday night which was absolutly awesome! We sang "He knows my name" and it's so true, He cares about every area of our lives.
Many times I find myself overwhelmed by the faithfulness and mercy of the Lord, He is so good you can't even put it into words. I stand amazed at how he guides and directs my every move. Even when things don't go the way you think they should, He's still there with a steady guiding hand. The Lord is showing me how His ways, aren't my ways, but they are causing me to draw closer to the Lord. He's teaching me to look to Him for what is right and true, because the the wisdom of men is foolishness with God. My faith is so weak at times, but through my weekness he is strong. Why do we not rest in knowing that we can trust the creator of the universe; He is so powerful and we can turn our fear into faith, He gives us His power to overcome any obsticle, but it requires surrendering our ways and man's knowledge for His wisdom. He then can empower us to do impossible things for His Kingdom. I'm blessed to be able to serve the King of Kings; I think serving him is the best adventure anyone could ever have.
Keep serving the Lord!!! You'll never regret the time you invest in following His plans. May your faith stand strong in His power.